Frequently Asked Questions
About BreadTalk Group Rewards Mobile App
BreadTalk Group Rewards App is a loyalty program that allows users to enjoy exclusive benefits and privileges when they shop or dine across all Food Junction and selected BreadTalk & Toast Box outlets in Singapore*. Top up a physical card/e-card with Stored Value and enjoy convenient payment for your purchases. You may also continue to enjoy 10% off regular priced items at Food Junction Outlets*
*Please visit to view the list of participating stores.
面包物语会员奖励计划是一个能让会员在Food Junction,面包物语和土司工坊*,购物或用餐时,都能享有会员专属优惠与奖励。只需充值到账户内即可享有便利付款方式.。会员也能在所有Food Junction门店享受10%的折扣
*请浏览 查阅参与的门店。
Top ups and ePackage purchases can be made at any of the participating stores* in Singapore or via the BreadTalk Group Rewards Mobile App.
*Please visit to view the list of participating stores.
*请浏览 查阅参与的门店。
For assistance, kindly call our hotline at +65 6602 8113 for assistance or write in to [email protected].
Operational Hours: Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 6pm
(excluding Public Holidays and Eve of Public Holidays)
请拨电至 +65 6602 8113 或电邮至 [email protected] 寻求协助。(热线服务仅限周一至五,9am to 6pm,公假前夕和公假当天除外。
Upon successful registration and with a minimum of one card purchased on your account, you can enjoy endless value deals, convenience payment/top-ups and be on top of the latest promotions at your fingertips!
In addition, you will also be to continue to enjoy 10% of all regular-priced items at Food Junction*. Your membership will also be entitiled to attractive Welcome Treats*,Birthday Privileges^,and Seasonal Perks.
与此同时,您将能在所有Food Junction门店享受10%的折扣也能获赠迎宾礼品*、生日优惠^及限时福利.
Your BreadTalk Group Rewards Membership Account will not expire but your Physical Card/eCard will expire in 1 year from the date of purchase. If you would like to extend the validity of your Physical Card/eCard, please make a Stored Value top up to your Physical Card/eCard before the expiry date and the Physical Card/eCard will be extended for another year based on the last date of top up.
Migration of Credits onto BreadTalk Rewards App
You will not be able to utilize the remaining credits in your Food Junction Card in all Food Junction, The Food Market and The Food Place outlets.
Transfer the remaining eligible credits in your Food Junction Card to the BreadTalk Group Rewards e-Card in the app OR a new physical card. This can be done at our self-service kiosk & physical counters located in selected Food Junction, The Food Market and The Food Place outlets before 28 December 2023
在特定的Food Junction、The Food Market和The Food Place门店继续使用您Food Junction卡中的剩余余额,直至2023年12月28日。
将您Food Junction卡中的剩余余额转移到BreadTalk Group Rewards电子钱包应用程序中,或者转移到一张新的实体卡。您可以在特定的Food Junction、The Food Market和The Food Place门店的自助服务机和实体柜台上进行操作。
As of 28 December 2023, all transfer of eligible active credits have successfully completed.
There will be no refund for the cost of the Food Junction Card.
Yes. You will still be able to enjoy unlimited 10% off regular priced items across all stalls under Food Junction Management*.
*Please visit us at for full information.
是的. 您还可以在Food Junction管理下的所有摊位上享受无限制的10%折扣(仅适用于正价商品)。
If your credits have expired, Food Junction Management will have to collect back the Food Junction Cards from you.
For elderly with no smartphones, they can continue to enjoy 10% off regular-priced items* in all Food Junction outlets when they pay using a BreadTalk Group Rewards physcial card.
*Please visit us at for full information.
对于没有智能手机的年长者,当他们使用BreadTalk Group Rewards实体卡支付时,可以在所有Food Junction门店享受10%的折扣(适用于正价商品)
You may get a BreadTalk Group Rewards physical card via the self-service kiosk upon your first top-up.
However, we highly encourage everyone to sign up for a free account via the BreadTalk Group Rewards app and link your card to enjoy the full benefits.
在您首次充值时,您可以通过自助服务机获取一张BreadTalk Group Rewards实体卡。但是,我们强烈建议每个人都通过BreadTalk Group Rewards应用程序注册免费账户,并将您的卡与之关联,以享受全部优惠
As of 28 December 2023, all transfer of eligible active credits have successfully completed.
As of 28 December 2023, all transfer of eligible active credits have successfully completed.
As of 28 December 2023, all transfer of eligible active credits have successfully completed.
After 28 December 2023,
1. You will not be able to use your Food Junction Card for meal purchases at any Food Junction outlets.
2. You will not be able to transfer any remaining Food Junction Card credits or get any refunds.
您将无法在任何Food Junction门店使用Food Junction卡进行餐饮购买。
您将无法转移任何剩余的Food Junction卡余额或获得任何退款。
As of 28 December 2023, all transfer of eligible active credits have successfully completed.
Nets Wallet
Customer will have to present their existing card(s) and proceed to the NETS customer service counter for further assistance. We strongly encourage all customers to get your remaining Food Junction Card credits transferred before surrendering your card to NETS.
顾客需要出示他们现有的卡片,并前往NETS客户服务柜台寻求进一步帮助。我们强烈建议所有顾客在将卡片交还给NETS之前将剩余的Food Junction卡余额转移。
As of 28 December 2023, all transfer of eligible active credits have successfully completed.
For additional assistance, please email to [email protected] or call our hotline at 6602 8113 (Monday – Fridays, 9am – 6pm only).